

Clement, A., Troxler, T., Keefe, O., Arcodia, M., Cruz, M., Hernandez, A., Moanga, D., Adefris, Z., Brown, N., & Jacobson, S. (2023). Hyperlocal Observations Reveal Persistent Extreme Urban Heat in Southeast Florida. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology62(7), 863-872.

Ishtiaq, Khandker S., Tiffany G. Troxler, Lukas Lamb‐Wotton, Benjamin J. Wilson, Sean P. Charles, Stephen E. Davis, John S. Kominoski, David T. Rudnick, and Fred H. Sklar. 2022. “Modeling net ecosystem carbon balance and loss in coastal wetlands exposed to sea‐level rise and saltwater intrusion.” Ecological Applications (2022): e2702.

Lamb, L. M., Gann, D., Velazquez, J. T., and Troxler, T. G. 2022. Detecting Vegetation to Open Water Transitions in a Subtropical Wetland Landscape from Historical Panchromatic Aerial Photography and Multispectral Satellite Imagery. Remote Sensing14(16), 3976.

Hogan, J. Aaron; Castaneda-Moya, E.; Lamb-Wotton, L.; Troxler, T.; Baraloto C. 2021. Water levels primarily drive variation in photosynthesis and nutrient use of scrub Red Mangroves in the southeastern Florida Everglades. Tree Physiology. 202142(4), pp. 797-814.

Feher, C. Laura; Osland, M. J.; Whelan, K. R. T.; Coronado-Molina, C.; Sklar, F. H.; Krauss, K. W.; Howard, R. J.; Cahoon, D. R.; Lynch, J. C.; McKee, K. L.; Lamb-Wotton, L.; Troxler, T. G.; Conrad, J. R.; Anderson, G. H.; Vervaeke, W. C.; and Smith III, T. J. S. Soil elevation change in mangrove forests and marshes of the Greater Everglades: a regional synthesis of surface elevation table-marker horizon (SET-MH) data. Estuaries and Coasts. In Press.

Rastetter, E.B., M.D. Ohman, K.J. Elliott, J.S. Rehage, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R.E. Boucek, E. Castañeda-Moya, T.M. Danielson, L. Gough, P.M. Groffman, C.R. Jackson, C.F. Miniat, and G.R. Shaver. 2021. Time lags: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere 12.5

Christensen, A., R.R. Twilley, C.S. Wilson, and E. Castañeda-Moya. 2020.
Simulating hydrological connectivity and water age within a coastal deltaic floodplain of
the Mississippi River Delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Zhao, X., V.H. Rivera-Monroy, H. Wang, Z.G. Xue, C.F. Tsai, C. Wilson, E. Castañeda-Moya, and R.R. Twilley. 2020. Modeling soil porewater salinity in mangrove forests (Everglades, Florida, USA) impacted by hydrological restoration and a warming climate.
Ecological Modelling.

Castañeda-Moya, E., V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R.M. Chambers, X. Zhao, L. Lamb-Wotton, A.
Gorsky, E.E. Gaiser, T.G. Troxler, J.S. Kominoski, and M. Hiatt. 2020. Hurricanes
fertilize mangrove forests in the Gulf of Mexico (Florida Everglades, USA). PNAS
117(9): 4831-4841.

Kominoski J.S., E.E. Gaiser, E. Castañeda-Moya, S.E. Davis, S. Dessu, P. Julian, D.Y. Lee, L. Marazzi, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, A. Sola, U. Stingl, S. Stumpf, D. Surratt, R. Travieso, and T. Troxler. 2020. Disturbance legacies synchronize fluctuations in nutrient concentrations and bacterial productivity in coastal ecosystems. Ecology.

Prevéy, J S., C Rixen, N Rüger, T T. Høye, A D. Bjorkman, I Myers-Smith, SC. Elmendorf, IW. Ashton, N Cannone, C Chisholm, EJ. Cooper, B Elberling, A M Fosaa, G Henry, B Hollister, I S Jónsdóttir, K Klanderud, C W. Kopp, E Levesque, M Mauritz, U Molau, S Natali, S Oberbauer, Z Panchen, E Post, S B. Rumpf, N M Schmidt, T Schuur, P Semenchuk, JG. Smith, K N. Suding, Ø Totland, T Troxler, S Venn, C-H Wahren, J Welker, S Wipf. 2019. Warming shortens flowering seasons of Arctic and alpine plants. Nature: Ecology and Evolution 3:45-52.

Crooks, S., Troxler, T., Windham-Myers, L. 2019. Defining Blue Carbon: the emergence of a climate context for coastal carbon dynamics. In A Blue Carbon Primer: The State of Coastal Wetlands Carbon Science, Practice and Policy. L Windham-Myers, S Crooks, TG Troxler (Eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 480p.

Troxler, T., Kennedy, H., Crooks, S., Sutton-Grier, A. 2019. Introduction of Coastal Wetlands into the IPCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory Methodological Guidance. In A Blue Carbon Primer: The State of Coastal Wetlands Carbon Science, Practice and Policy. L Windham-Myers, S Crooks, TG Troxler (Eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 480p.

Vegh, T., Pendleton, B., Murray, L., Troxler, T., Zhang, K., Guannel, G., Castañeda-Moya, E., Sutton-Grier, A. 2019. Ecosystem Services and Economic Valuation: co-benefits of coastal wetlands. In A Blue Carbon Primer: The State of Coastal Wetlands Carbon Science, Practice and Policy. L Windham-Myers, S Crooks, TG Troxler (Eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 480p.

Simard, M., L. Fatoyinbo, C. Smetanka, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E Castañeda-Moya, N. Thomas, and T. Van der Stocken. 2019. Mangrove canopy height globally related to precipitation, temperature and cyclone frequency. Nature Geosciences 12 40-45.

Troxler, TG, G Starr, JN Boyer, JD Fuentes, and R Jaffe et al. 2019. Carbon Cycles in the Florida Coastal Everglades Social-Ecological System Across Scales (Chapter 6). In The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformations in the South Florida Landscape. Childers, D, Gaiser, E, Ogden, L (Eds). Oxford University Press.

Sklar, F, J Meeder, T Troxler, T Dreschel, P Ruiz and S Davis. 2019. Chapter 13: The Everglades: At the Forefront of Transition. Editors: Eric Wolinski, John Day, Mike Elliot, Ramesh Ramachandran. Coasts and Estuaries- The Future.

Crooks, S., A. Sutton-Grier, T. Troxler, B. Bernal, N. Herold, T. Wirth. 2018. Coastal wetland management as a contribution to the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Nature-Climate Change 8-1109-1112.

Breithaupt, J., Smoak, J., Sanders, C., Troxler, T. 2018. Spatial variability of organic carbon, CaCO3 and nutrient burial rates spanning a mangrove productivity gradient in the coastal Everglades. Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-018-0306-5.
Holmquist, J., L. Windham-Myers, B. Bernal, K. B. Byrd, S. Crooks, M. E. Gonneea, N. Herold, S. H. Knox, K. Kroeger, J. McCombs, J. P. Megonigal, L. Meng, J. T. Morris, A. E. Sutton-Grier, T. G. Troxler and D. Weller. 2018. Uncertainty in United States coastal wetland greenhouse gas inventorying. Environmental Research Letters 13:115005.
Wilson BJ, S Servais, V. Mazzei, S Davis, E Gaiser, J.S. Kominoski, J Richards, F. Sklar, T Troxler. 2018. Changes in ecosystem carbon cycling with increased salinity exposure in the coastal Florida Everglades. Ecological Applications.

Mazzei, V., E.E. Gaiser, J.S. Kominoski, BJ Wilson, S Servais, L Bauman, S Davis, S Kelly, F Sklar, D Rudnick, J Stachelek, T Troxler. 2018. Functional and compositional responses of periphyton mats to simulated saltwater intrusion in the southern Everglades. Estuaries and Coasts 41:2105-2119.

Wilson BJ, S Servais, S Charles, S Davis, E Gaiser, J.S. Kominoski, J Richards, T Troxler. 2018. Declines in Plant Productivity Drive Carbon Loss from Brackish Coastal Wetland Mesocosms Exposed to Saltwater Intrusion. Estuaries and Coasts 41:2147-2158.

Dessu, SB, RM Price, TG Troxler, JS Kominoski. 2018. Effects of sea-level rise and freshwater management on long-term water levels and water quality in the Florida Coastal Everglades. Journal of Environmental Management 211: 164-176.

Holmquist, JR, Windham-Myers, L, Bliss, N, Crooks, S, Morris, JT, Megonigal, JP, Troxler, T, Weller, D. et al. 2018. Accuracy and Precision of Tidal Wetlands Soil Carbon Mapping in the Conterminous United States. Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26948-7.

Davis, SE, R Boucek, E Castañeda-Moya, S Dessu, E Gaiser, J Kominoski, JP Sah, D Surratt, T Troxler. 2018. Episodic disturbances drive nutrient dynamics along freshwater‐to‐estuary gradients in a subtropical wetland. Ecosphere 9: e02296.
Stachelek, J., Kelly, S.P, Sklar, F., Coronado, C.M., Troxler, T., and L. Bauman. 2018. In-situ simulation of sea-level rise impacts on coastal wetlands using a flow-through mesocosm approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10.1111/2041- 210X.13028.

Rovai, A. R.R. Twilley, E. Castañeda-Moya, P. Riul, M. Cifuentes-Lara, M. ManrowVillalobos, P.A. Horta, J.C. Simonassi, A.L. Fonseca, and P.R. Pagliosa. 2018. Global controls of carbon storage in mangrove soils. Nature Climate Change 8: 534-538.

Hiatt, M., E. Castañeda-Moya, R.R. Twilley, B.R. Hodges, and P. Passalacqua. 2018. Channelisland connectivity affects water exposure time distributions in a coastal river delta. Water Resources Research 54.

Dornelas, M., L.H. Antao, F. Moyes, A.E. Bates, A.E. Magurran, D. Adam,…E. CastañedaMoya, M.L. Zettler. 2018. BIoTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 760-786. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12729.

Prevey, J., M. Vellend, N. Ruger, R.D. Hollister, Elmendorf , S.C., A.J. Bjorkman, I.H. Myers-Smith, T.V. Callaghan, E.J. Cooper, J.H.C. Cornelissen, T.A. Day, A.M. Fosaa, W.H Gould., J. Grétarsdóttir, J. Harte, L. Hermanutz, G.H.R. Henry, D.A. Hik, A. Hofgaard, F. Jarrad, I.S. Jónsdóttir, F. Keuper, K. Klanderud, J.A. Klein, S. Koh, G. Kudo, S. Lang, V. Lowen, J.L. May, J. Mercado, A. Michelsen, U. Molau, S. Pieper, C.H. Robinson, L. Siegart, S.F. Oberbauer, E. Post, N.M. Schmidt, G.R. Shaver, A. Tolvanen, O. Totland, T. Troxler, C.H. Wahren, P.J. Webber, J.M. Welker, P. Wookey. C. Rixen. 2017. Greater temperature sensitivity of plant phenology at colder sites: implications for convergence across northern latitudes. Global Change Biology 23: 2660-2671.

Danielson, T.M., V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castaneda-Moya, H. Briceno, R. Travieso, B.D. Marx, E. Gaiser, and L.M. Farfan. 2017. Assessment of Everglades mangrove forest resilience: Implications for above-ground net primary productivity and carbon dynamics. Forest Ecology and Management 404: 115-125. Breithaupt, J.L. J.M. Smoak, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castañeda-Moya, R.P. Moyer, M. Simard, C.J. Sanders. 2017. Partitioning the relative contributions of organic matter and mineral sediment accretion rates in carbonate platform mangrove soils. Marine Geology 390: 170-180.

Morris, J. Barber, DC, JC Callaway, R Chambers, SC Hagen, CS Hopkinson, BJ Johnson, P Megonigal, SC Neubauer, T Troxler, C Wigand. 2016. Contributions of organic and inorganic matter to sediment volume and accretion in tidal wetlands at steady state. Earth’s Future 4: 110-121.
Chambers, L.G., R. Guevara, J. Boyer, T. Troxler, S.E. Davis. 2016. Effects of salinity and inundation on microbial community structure and function in a mangrove peat soil. Wetlands 36: 361-371.

Jerath, M., M. Bhat, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castañeda-Moya, M. Simard, and R.R. Twilley. 2016. The role of economic, policy, and ecological factors in estimating the value of carbon stocks in Everglades mangrove forests, south Florida, USA. Environmental Science & Policy, 66: 160-169. Rovai, A.S., P. Riul, R. R. Twilley, E. Castañeda-Moya, V. H. Rivera-Monroy, A. A. Williams, M. Simard, M. Cifuentes-Jara, R. R. Lewis, S. Crooks, P. A. Horta, Y. Schaeffer-Novelli, G. Cintrón, M. Pozo-Cajas, and P. R. Pagliosa. 2016. Scaling mangrove aboveground biomass from site-level to continental-scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12409.

Troxler, T., Barr, J., Fuentes, J., Engel, V., Anderson, G., Sanchez, C., Lagomasino, D., Price, R., Davis, S. 2015. Component-specific dynamics of riverine mangrove CO2 efflux in the Florida Coastal Everglades. Special Issue: Mangrove carbon cycling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 213:273-282.

Gaiser, E.E., Anderson, E.P., Castaneda-Moya, E., Collado-Vides, L., Fourqurean, J.W, Heithaus, M.R., Jaffe, R., Lagomasino, D., Oehm, N. J., Price, R. M., Rivera-Monroy, V.H., Chowdhury, R. R., Troxler, T.G. 2015. New perspectives on an iconic landscape from comparative international long-term ecological research. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1890/ES14-00388.1. 

Serna, A., J. H. Richards, T. G. Troxler, L. J. Scinto. 2015. Vegetation and soil response to hydrology in a re-created Everglades. Hydrobiologia. DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2249-6

Troxler, T., Barr, J., Fuentes, J., Engel, V., Anderson, G., Sanchez, C., Lagomasino, D., Price, R., Davis, S. 2015. Component-specific dynamics of riverine mangrove CO2 efflux in the Florida Coastal Everglades. Special Issue: Mangrove carbon cycling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.12.012.

Chambers, L.G., S.E. Davis, T.G. Troxler. 2015. Sea Level Rise in the Everglades: Plant-Soil-Microbial Feedbacks in Response to Changing Physical Conditions. In Entry, J., K. Jayachandran, A.D. Gottlieb, A. Ogram (eds.)

Barr, J.G., T.G. Troxler, R.G. Najjar. 2014. Meeting the challenge of understanding coastal carbon cycling using top-down and bottom-up approaches from across disciplines. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 95: 315.

Troxler, T.G., C. Coronado-Molina, D. Rondeau, S. Krupa, S. Newman, M. Manna, R. Price, F. Sklar. 2014. Interactions of biological and hydrogeochemical processes facilitate phosphorus dynamics in an Everglades tree island. Biogeosciences 11: 899-914.

IPCC 2014. 2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Wetlands (Wetlands Supplement). Hiraishi, T, Krug, T., Tanabe, K., Srivastava, N., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M. and Troxler, T.G. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.

IPCC 2014. 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol (KP Supplement). Hiraishi, T, Krug, T., Tanabe, K., Srivastava, N., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M. and Troxler, T.G. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.

Chambers, L.G., S.E. Davis, T.G. Troxler, J.N. Boyer, A. Downey-Wall, L. Scinto. 2014. Biogeochemical effects of simulated sea level rise on carbon loss in an Everglades mangrove peat soil. Hydrolobiologia 726: 195-211..

Troxler, T.G., E. Gaiser, J. Barr, J.D. Fuentes, R. Jaffe, D.L. Childers, L. Collado-Vides, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castañeda-Moya, W. Anderson, R. Chambers, M. Chen, C. Coronado-Molina, S.E. Davis, V. Engel, C. Fitz, J. Fourqurean, T. Frankovich, J. Kominoski, C. Madden, S.L. Malone, S. F. Oberbauer, P. Olivas, J. Richards, C. Saunders, J. Schedlbauer, F.H. Sklar, T. Smith, J.M. Smoak, G. Starr, R.R. Twilley, K. Whelan. Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: current status and needs for inter-site comparisons. Oceanography 26(3):98–107,

Oberbauer, S.F., S.C. Elmendolf, T.G. Troxler, R. D. Hollister, A. V. Rocha, M. S. Bret-Harte, M. A. Dawes, A. M. Fosaa, G. H. R. Henry, T. T. Høye, F. C. Jarrad, I. S. Jónsdóttir, K. Klanderud, J. A. Klein, U. Molau, C. Rixen, N. M. Schmidt, G. R. Shaver, R. T. Slider, Ø. Totland, C.-H. Wahren, and J. M. Welker. 2013. Phenological response of tundra plants to background climate variation tested using the International Tundra Experiment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368: 481.

Troxler, T.G., D.L. Childers, C.J. Madden. 2013. Drivers of decadal-scale change in the structure and function of southern Everglades wetland macrophyte communities. Wetlands. 10.1007/s13157-013-0446-5.

Troxler, T.G., M. Ikenaga, L. Scinto, J. Boyer, R. Condit, R. Perez, G. Gann, and D. Childers. 2012. Patterns of soil bacteria and canopy community structure related to tropical peatland development. Wetlands 32: 769-782.

Rivera-Monroy, V.H., E. Castaneda-Moya, J.G. Barr, V. Engel, J.D. Fuentes, T.G. Troxler, R. Twilley, S. Bouillon, T.J. Smith, T.L. O‘Halloran. 2012. Current methods to evaluate net primary production and carbon budgets in mangrove forests. In Delaune, R.D., K.R. Reddy, P. Megonigal, & C. Richardson (Eds.), Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. Soil Science Society of America Book Series.

Elmendorf S.C., G.H.R. Henry, R.D. Hollister, R.G. Björk, A.J. Bjorkman, T.V. Callaghan, E.J. Cooper, J.H.C. Cornelissen, T.A. Day, A.M. Fosaa, W.H Gould., J. Grétarsdóttir, J. Harte, L. Hermanutz, D.A. Hik, A. Hofgaard, F. Jarrad, I.S. Jónsdóttir, F. Keuper, K. Klanderud, J.A. Klein, S. Koh, G. Kudo, S. Lang, V. Lowen, J.L. May, J. Mercado, A. Michelsen, U. Molau, S. Pieper, C.H. Robinson, L. Siegart, I. Myers-Smith, S.F. Oberbauer, E. Post, C. Rixen, N.M. Schmidt, G.R. Shaver, A. Tolvanen, O. Totland, T. Troxler, C.H. Wahren, P.J. Webber, J.M. Welker, P. Wookey. 2012. Global assessment of experimental climate warming on tundra vegetation: heterogeneity over space and time. Ecology Letters 15: 164-175.

Elmendorf, S.C., G.H.R. Henry, R.D. Hollister, R.G. Björk, N. Boulanger‐Lapointe, E. J. Cooper, J. H.C. Cornelissen, T. A. Day, E. Dorrepaal, T.G. Elumeeva, M. Gill, W. A. Gould, J. Harte, D. S. Hik, A. Hofgaard, D. R. Johnson, J. F. Johnstone, I. S. Jónsdóttir, J.C. Jorgenson, K. Klanderud, Julia A. Klein, S. Koh, G. Kudo, M. Lara, E. Lévesque, B. Magnússon, J. L. May, J. A. Mercado‐Díaz, A. Michelsen, U. Molau, I. H. Myers‐Smith, S. F. Oberbauer, V. G. Onipchenko, C. Rixen, N. M. Schmidt, G. R. Shaver, M. J. Spasojevic, Þ. E. Þórhallsdóttir, A. Tolvanen, T. Troxler, C. E. Tweedie, S. Villareal, C.‐H. Wahren, X. Walker, P. J. Webber, J. M. Welker, S. Wipf. 2012. Linking plot scale evidence of tundra vegetation change to recent summer warming. Nature-Climate Change DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1465.

Richards, J.H., T.G. Troxler, D.W. Lee, M.S. Zimmerman. 2011. Experimental determination of effects of water depth on Nymphaea odorata growth, morphology and biomass allocation. Aquatic Botany 95:9-16.

Richards J.H., M. Dow, T. Troxler. 2011. Modeling Nymphoides architecture: a morphological analysis of Nymphoides aquatica. American Journal of Botany 97:1761-1771.

Wetzel P.R., F.H. Sklar, C.A. Coronado, T.G. Troxler, S.L. Krupa, P.L. Sullivan, S.Ewe and S. Newman. 2011. Biogeochemical processes on tree islands in the Greater Everglades: Initiating a new paradigm. Critical Reviews in Environment and Technology 41:670-701.

Larsen, L., N. Aumen, C. Bernhardt, V. Engel, T. Givnish, S. Hagerthey, J. Harvey, L. Leonard, P. McCormick, C. McVoy, G. Noe, M. Nungesser, K. Rutchey, F. Sklar, T. Troxler, J. Volin, D. Willard. 2011. Recent and historic drivers of landscape change in the Everglades ridge, slough, and tree island mosaic. Critical Reviews in Environment and Technology 41: 344-381.

Rivera-Monroy, V.H., R.R. Twilley, S.E. Davis III, D.L. Childers, M. Simard, R. Chambers, R. Jaffe, J.N. Boyer, D. Rudnick, K. Zhang, E. Castañeda-Moya, S. Ewe, C. Coronado-Molina, M. Ross, T.J Smith III, B. Michot, E. Meselhe, W. Nuttle, T. Troxler, G.B. Noe. 2011. The Role of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone Region (EMER) in Regulating Nutrient Cycling and Wetland Productivity in South Florida. Critical Reviews in Environment and Technology 41: 633-669.

M. J. Spasojevic, R.J. Aicher, G.R. Koch, E. Marquardt, N. Mirotchnick, T.G. Troxler and S.L. Collins. 2010. Fire and grazing in mesic tallgrass prairie: impacts on plant species and functional traits. Ecology 91: 1651-1659.

Troxler, T.G. and D.L. Childers. 2010. Biogeochemical contributions of tree islands to Everglades wetland landscape nitrogen cycling during seasonal inundation. Ecosystems 13: 75-89.

Troxler, T.G. and J.H. Richards. 2009. δ13C, δ15N, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus as indicators of plant ecophysiology and organic matter pathways in Everglades deep slough, Florida. Aquatic Botany 91: 157-169.

Troxler, T.G. and D.L. Childers. 2009 Litter decomposition promotes differential feedbacks in an oligotrophic southern Everglades wetland. Plant Ecology 200: 69-82.

Wetzel, P.R., A.G. van der Valk, S. Newman, C. A. Coronado, T.G. Troxler-Gann, D.L. Childers, W.H. Orem, F. H. Sklar. 2009. Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades. Plant Ecology 200: 83-90.

Troxler, T.G. 2007. Patterns of phosphorus, nitrogen and 15N along a peat development gradient in a coastal mire, Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 683-691.

Troxler Gann, T. and D.L. Childers. 2006. Relationships between hydrology and soils describe vegetation patterns in seasonally flooded tree islands of the southern Everglades, Florida. Plant and Soil 279: 273-288.

Wetzel, P.R., A.G. van der Valk, S. Newman, D.E. Gawlik, T. Troxler Gann, C.A. Coronado-Molina, D.L. Childers, F.H. Sklar. 2005. Nutrient Redistribution Key to Maintaining Tree Islands in the Florida Everglades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3: 370-376.

Troxler Gann, T., D.L. Childers and D.N. Rondeau. 2005. Ecosystem nutrient dynamics and hydrologic variation in tree islands of the southern Everglades. Forest Ecology and Management 214: 11-27.

Anderson, W.T., L. Sternberg, M.C. Pinzon, T. Gann-Troxler, D.L. Childers, and M. Duever, 2005. Carbon isotopic composition of cypress tress from South Florida and changing hydrologic conditions. Dendrochronologia 23: 1-10.

Gann, T. T. 2002. Response of Everglades tree islands to increased freshwater flow (Florida). Ecological Restoration 20: 211-212.
